We planted this magnolia tree (in front of the rock koi pond built by my grandfather), in honor of my parent’s anniversary.  During rainstorms, which have been rare in the past and frequent the past few months in Texas, one of my favorite reflection times is observing the storm roll in from our front porch, the very same view my Grandma and Grandfather watched every evening in the glow of the yellow ceiling light.  Today, the magnolia tree displayed its full beauty  with two low blossoms, opening their soft, white petals to welcome the second coming of the rain:



Springtime Do-over: Return of the Waterfall & Lillies

After a two-month interval of no-blogging, no waterfall (due to a pump malfunction), slow-growing water plants without the fresh water of the waterfall, unhappy koi and life struggles, in general, HOPE PREVAILED.   As a result, I am inspired to blog again, encouraged by the beautiful sight of sunshine, a lovely refreshing waterfall, happy koi, and a beautiful, blooming rose-purple lily.  Our HOPE did not come to us without EFFORT. Thanks to the masterful problem-solving efforts of friend, Jerry Kiser, the new pump was successfully installed and all aquatic problems were subsequently resolved.


   Life is good again for ALL of us:

