Space for Pottery

While attempting to care for our Shit-zu, Maxwell (recovering from major knee reconstruction) assisting him in mastering the odd spatial experiences resulting from wearing a bucket (Elizabethan collar) on his head, watering to keep plants that yearn for cool weather surviving in 89 degree October heat, leading 15-year-old Molly (our Pekingnese) and 16-year-old Mr. Buttons (half Pekingnese and half Shit-zu) in and out of the doors several times a day, calling repairmen to take care of “this old house”, card-making, writing letters, and performing other routine household tasks, I took time to enjoy several hours of pottery glazing with friend, DeAun, today. Glazing and painting: my relaxation, my happiness, my joy, amidst all of this somewhat self-created turmoil.
Pottery is a relationship between me and the clay; between me and my creative side.