Buttons, You Are Real!

Buttons and I visited his Mama Avonne in the nursing home today. It was a good day; some days we walk in the place and everyone is frantic and wanting freedom; while other days, we enter and a feeling of calmness permeates the walls. Today, everyone in the dining room wanted to hug Buttons. Could it have been the Beatle music playing in the background-a new twist for the new administrator? As we came in the front door, Opal, (who normally yells “Hurry; Hurry” at the top of her lungs) greeted Buttons and asked us to take her to the end of the hall and back. I hooked
Button’s leash to Opal’s chair and said “Let’s go!”. Opal said, “We are on the road now!”. I said, “Yes, Opal, we are really trucking'”. I pointed out to her that Buttons was pulling her down the hall. Opal said, “Oh, He is too little
to be a work horse.” But, when I told her Buttons really
liked her, she said, “He’s a sweet baby!”. Avonne was delighted to see her “baby dog”. I think Buttons secretly enjoys everyone thinking he is just a puppy, when he is
actually 11 years old. Avonne loves for everyone to see her baby. She wanted me to take Buttons over to meet the gentleman in the corner. Buttons and I met Marvin, who was
so excited to hold Buttons. He said, “Buttons, Get up here in my lap, you sweet dog!” Marvin then uttered the most
profound words to Buttons, “You ARE real!”. So many of the
residents came over to pet Buttons. Smiles were abundant. What a great little dog-so patient and attentive to every person who just needed his time!!

Fall, 2011

Thus far this month I have:
Enjoyed a road trip With my sweet mama,
Celebrated the 90th birthday of my Aunt D.D.,
Reunited with “the three girls” of my childhood,
Enjoyed joyful times with family,
Called 91-year-old Judge Bob (the fishing buddy of my childhood), listening to him talk with joy and sadness about his sweet wife and our Peggy; telling us about sharing family dinner in Peggy’s honor with my best friend, Janie and her husband Bob at “The Country Squire”, a familiar place from my past,
Celebrated the 4 inches of rain and prayed for Baby Cade,
Cried sweet and painful tears for my friends and their
families, gifted with holding beautiful baby Cade for one precious hour of life,
Walked miles feeling Fall’s first breaths,
Cheered for my boys’ excitement in experiencing the Texas Ranger’s wins,
Enjoyed telephone visits and “texting” with my family,
Endured the barking of Buttons through the thunderstorms,
Rocked our Molly May nearing the end of her Fall season,
And shared good reads and pumpkins with my sweet Billy!

Fall, 2011 brings a mixture of pleasure and pain, moving me forward.