TK’s Marinara Spaghetti Squash

This recipe is absolutely delicious, healthy and very filling.  If you are blessed with fresh herbs in your fall garden, the aromas will tempt everyone who enters your home.


Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Two sprigs fresh thyme, stripped

Four medium fresh basil leaves, chopped

One spaghetti squash (Slice off ends, cut vertically in standing position, deseed, rub olive oil inside each half, turn upside down on foiled baking sheet and cook 40 minutes at 400 degrees).

1 pound turkey sausage, sliced and cut in half

One yellow onion, chopped

Two cloves garlic, minced

11/2 bottles of Organic Marinara Sauce

1 14-ounce can artichokes, chopped

1 pint Roma or cherry tomatoes, sliced lengthwise

Fresh or shredded Parmesan cheese

Sea salt to taste

Pepper to taste

DIRECTIONS:                                                                                                                                      *Prepare spaghetti squash and cook in the oven at 400 degrees for 40 minutes.                    *In skillet, brown turkey sausage in olive oil.                                                                            *Add chopped onion and saute 5 minutes.                                                                                        *Add minced garlic and saute approximately 30 seconds

*Pour in Marinara sauce.                                                                                                                    *Add fresh herbs                                                                                                                                    *Add chopped artichokes                                                                                                                    *Add Roma tomatoes                                                                                                                            *Stir in sea salt and pepper to taste                                                                                                  *Bring to a boil and simmer 10 minutes.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         *String spaghetti, place into bowls and top with marinara sauce mixture.                             *Top with fresh or shredded parmesan cheese.

Enjoy every bite!



Our ten-day journey through Israel  (February 12-22, 2018) accompanied by Israeli Jewish guide, Tsippi Segal, began with our arrival in the vibrant, modern city of Tel Aviv. Our journey exposed my limited knowledge of this ancient, historical land of Israel, surprising me with its multi-cultural and religiously diverse population, its stone beauty, agricultural opportunities, tels of archeological excavations revealing complex layers of civilizations, rugged and mountainous borders of the Dead Sea, brief moments in time captured at  the Sea of Galilee, visibility of Jordan, Syria, Golan Heights and the Mediterranean Sea from Israeli borders,  and of course, the historical evidence of the story of Christ drawing millions of visitors from all over the world to this land.

Sunrise over Israel through the window of our El Al Israel 787 aircraft.

Space for Pottery

While attempting to care for our Shit-zu, Maxwell (recovering from major knee reconstruction) assisting him in mastering the odd spatial experiences resulting from wearing a bucket (Elizabethan collar) on his head, watering to keep plants that yearn for cool weather surviving in 89 degree October heat, leading 15-year-old Molly (our Pekingnese) and 16-year-old Mr. Buttons (half Pekingnese and half Shit-zu) in and out of the doors several times a day, calling repairmen to take care of “this old house”, card-making, writing letters, and performing other routine household tasks, I took time to enjoy several hours of pottery glazing with friend, DeAun, today. Glazing and painting: my relaxation, my happiness, my joy, amidst all of this somewhat self-created turmoil.
Pottery is a relationship between me and the clay; between me and my creative side.