Staying on Track One Day at a Time!

I had forgotten how much the “My Nutrition” food tracking helps me stay on track.  It is tiring to put in everything you put in your mouth at first, but when I can put them in as a  “food not listed”, I can add a food as a favorite and never have to put it in again.  I also can’t believe how much it helped me to just go to the store and purchase all of the ingredients at once.  Now I have the sugar-free or fat-free items on hand and can make some of my own meals up myself.  I created the following today:

Delicious BREAKFAST  for only 150 calories:

Eggo Nutri-grain Low-fat Waffle, Hill Country Fair Sugar-free Syrup and one Morning Star Veggi-sausage.

Review:  Very filling and tasted very good!  An Alfredo’s Huevos Ranchero it isn’t, but very satisfying!!

I will eat my Hungry Girl Breakfast cookies during the week.

LUNCH for 247 calories:

Whole Wheat English Muffin toasted with one side HEB Natural Cheese Jalepeno Jack Cheese and one side Butterball 97% Fat-Free thin Oven-fried Roasted Turkey, with pickles added after toasting.

Review:  Delicious; love this turkey!

SNACK:  Vanilla Sugar-Free Pudding with Readi-Whip Fat-Free Whipped Cream.  (I liked this better than the chocolate)

I still have quite a large allowance of calories allowed for Dinner and later Snack and will still meet my calorie goal for the day-yeah!!